Girl Names that Begin with “K”

So, you added a baby girl to your family? This is such an exciting time for your family, but you can’t forget the important decision you will have to make; what will you call your new addition?With so many options, trying to decide what you want to call your child for the rest of their life is no easy task.

Well, we narrowed it down for you. We compiled a list of names that begin with “K,” so keep scrolling if a “K” name piques your interest.

Here are our top picks...

  1. Katiemeaning pure
  2. Katherinemeaning pure or unsullied
  3. Khloemeaning blooming and verdant
  4. Katerinameaning pure or unsullied
  5. Kimberlymeaning wood clearing, meadow, or enclosure
  6. Karenmeaning pure or unsullied
  7. Kareemmeaning generous or noble
  8. Kendallmeaning spring
  9. Korymeaning a cauldron, seething pool, or a hollow
  10. Katelynmeaning pure or unsullied
  11. Kyliemeaning graceful or beautiful
  12. Kaceepet form of Kassandra
  13. Kalimeaning the black one
  14. Kaylameaning slender
  15. Katmeaning pure
  16. Kaelynmeaning keeper of the keys
  17. Kamimeaning perfect
  18. Kairameaning beloved or friend
  19. Kadynmeaning fighter, friend, or companion
  20. Kaarinameaning pure or unsullied

If you enjoyed reading this list, take a look at the other baby name lists that we have created. Baby girl names that begin with "L," or "B," are just a few to choose from. Make a shortlist with around five of your favorites from the list. Begin to narrow the list down and before you know it your baby girl will have a name that suits her perfectly!



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